Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Porsche 991 Sport Exhaust Installation Instructions

I've been asked numerous times for instructions to install the Porsche Sport Exhaust on 991's that didn't come equipped with this option from the factory.  I'll provide a link below to the official factory instructions....

The process is actually quite simple, and can be accomplished by anyone with minimal mechanical skills turning a wrench.  However, there are a couple of tasks which most likely an owner will have to go to the dealer -- programming the center console control unit for example.

Also note that the parts required and a few work procedures will be different for 991 Base (3.4L) cars vs. the S 3.8L variants.  This is due to different side exhaust units found between the two.

Anyways -- here is a copy of the instructions.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require additional manuals.

Porsche Sports Exhaust (PSE) Installation Bulletin