My collection of Porsche 991 DIY articles, Exotic and Sports car experiences, and general information for Connected Car enthusiasts.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Porsche 991 Steering Wheel Removal DIY
Just posted-up a reply to fellow enthusiast on RennList looking for a DIY on replacing the steering-wheel. Thought I'd share that here on my blog as well.
The DIY original post is up on 6SpeedOnline 991 forum. I am just linking to it here....
If you take this project on, would love to here how it went....
Monday, February 8, 2016
Porsche 991.1 Plastidip Removal from Mirrors
I've had the mirrors on my GT Silver 2014 991 C4S sprayed in Plastidip Matte Black for the past year or so. Decided to remove the 'dip as I am preparing for other projects. To remove the dip I wanted to remove the mirrors entirely from the doors. Thought I'd show you the process of removing the mirrors from the doors. Might be useful for anyone wanting to send their mirrors out for painting, or wrapping, as well as for those who might want to swap their mirrors for another set....
Couple of things to note.... I have the standard 991 mirrors. I do NOT have the power folding, Sport Design, or "GT3" mirrors. However, I believe in any case the procedure to remove the mirror from the door is the same -- remove trim, a single bolt, and pull the wiring harness through the door.
Also, when I bought the car, the dealer had already installed xPEL PPF, and there are small pieces on the mirrors. When I sprayed with Plastidip, I just sprayed right over the film. So, I really wasn't sure if the 'dip was going to bond or "merge" and stain the clear film. But actually what I found is that the 'dip spray peeled-off more easily from where the film was than where it was not! As you can see in the video I shot, the 'dip peels off real easily from the mirrors. Each mirror took me about 30 minutes to peel and clean-up. Where I had difficulty peeling, I simply brushed on some Xylene and wiped the 'dip off! Very easy!
I continue to be impressed by the durability and versatility of Plastidip! It is amazing stuff. My car is no garage queen, so seeing first-hand how it protects the car I am a true believer!
Here's the video posted up on my YouTube Channel - GTSilver.... Please subscribe for more!